New AEC Details 2017 The Secular Party has enabled for a limited time only, free membership, to take advantage of this new membership you must sign up within the month of May. The details you provide must match your records with the AEC. You can check your AEC registration at If you cannot see the confirmation email after updating your details, you may have to check for it in your junk email folder. Given Name * Middle Name Family Name * Email Address * Occupation Date of Birth * Please use the date picker to select a date or use the date format dd/mm/yyyy Home Telephone Work Telephone Mobile Home Address Line 1 * Line 2 Suburb * Postcode * State/Territory * ACTNTNSWQLDSATASVICWAOther State/Territory Country * I am registered to vote on the Australian Electoral roll. * Yes Unknown I agree to contact from the AEC * Yes Submit