Seat of Griffith ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How to vote card
Anne Reid (Griffith, Queensland) [email protected] tel 0418 133129
Anne graduated with a Bachelor of Business before undertaking further training with a public accounting firm. She subsequently worked as a management accountant and currently works for a consulting engineering firm.
Anne is a member of Brisbane Atheists, secretary of the Humanist Society of Queensland, and is Queensland delegate for the Secular Party of Australia. She also for many years coordinated a refugee soccer and homework club. Anne is concerned that religious interference is undermining both our education and legal systems and would like to promote the ideals of a liberal secular democracy as a framework within which a more equitable, harmonious and progressive society can thrive.
Secular? Party election campaign youtube videos
Our candidate is asking for your PRIMARY VOTE (first preference). By voting [1] Secular Party you can maximise the effect of your vote, thanks to preferences. Using preferences to refine your vote is easy. Putting us second, third, or anything else does not help us. The only way to help the Secular Party is to put us first.
Some people are concerned they will “waste” their vote if they put us first, because we are a minor party. This isn’t true. Putting us as [1] actually makes your vote work harder.
We’re a small grassroots organisation, run entirely by volunteers. We don’t get the media coverage available to the larger parties, and we don’t have a gimmick. We need the support of people like you to help us gain ground.
For major parties, our Senate preferences are going to the Greens, then ALP, then LNP.
If you do not like our preferences, you can always choose your own so that your vote ultimately goes to the larger party or candidate of your choice.